Intermediate care insights in the bi-borough

We recently collaborated with Healthwatch Kensington & Chelsea to conduct a project exploring patient and carer experiences with intermediate care services provided in Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea.

Download the report

In partnership with North West London Networked Data Lab (a collaboration between Imperial College Health Partners, Imperial College London, and the North West London Integrated Care System, funded by The Health Foundation), we conducted this project to provide qualitative context to their report on quantitative patient and care data.  

Our report presents an overview of our findings and the recommendations we proposed to meet the needs of residents and carers who use step-down care services. In partnership with North West London Networked Data Lab (a collaboration between Imperial College Health Partners, Imperial College London, and the North West London Integrated Care System, funded by The Health Foundation), we conducted this project to provide qualitative context to their report on quantitative patient and care data.  

You can download the report here. If you would like to read it in another format or language, please reach out to us at

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